INORMS was formed in 2001 to bring together research management societies and associations from across the globe. Its purpose is to enable interactions, sharing of good practice, and joint activities between the member societies, to the benefit of their individual memberships.

Each member society has its own distinct remit, constitution, membership and geographical base, but we each face similar issues. The nature of research management and administration is changing, and it is becoming more professional. The economic and political imperatives and pressures are common across the globe. The network enables the officers of the member societies to compare their national or regional issues, and to learn from each other. Through INORMS, we are able to transfer training course structure and content, adopt comparable support mechanisms, and jointly develop training materials.

INORMS Objectives

To internationalise the body of knowledge on research management

To exchange best practice

To develop international approaches to supporting the research enterprise

INORMS Council

The INORMS Council consists of the current Presidents/Chairs of member Associations from around the world. The Council is chaired by the President/Chair of the Association hosting the immediate past INORMS Congress currently the Chair of SARIMA (June 2023 – May 2025).

For details of the INORMS Council Members, click HERE

INORMS Secretariat

The INORMS Secretariat sits with the Association that hosted the immediate past INORMS Congress – it currently sits with SARIMA (June 2023 – May 2025)


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