The Research Administration as a Profession (RAAAP) Survey – 2022
The Research Administration as a Profession (RAAAP) longitudinal survey, asks questions about your experience as a research manager / research administrator, your most recent role, how you entered the field, your experience of research impact and engagement, and demographics (on your educational background, the country where you work, your age range, and gender).
This is the third iteration of the survey and focussed on “How I Became a Research Manager and Administrator”. The survey is closed, and the data have been cleansed and anonymised, and are available (in SPSS and Excel formats) on figshare:
The 17 associated datasets (mainly textual responses)
The full datasets and associated documentation
As always, your participation was greatly appreciated!
RAAAP-3 Survey Response Rates
The survey opened on 26th January 2022, and by 17th May when it closed had nearly three and half thousand complete responses with a further set of partial responses taking the total to over 5,000.
This means that the RAAAP-3 response exceeded the previous iterations, making it the largest ever international survey of research managers and administrators – a HUGE THANK-YOU to everyone who took time to complete the survey. The data will be incredibly useful for the profession, the various associations, and individual research managers and administrators, as well as those researching the area.
The survey closed on Tuesday May 17th 2022.
The datasets have been published, but the RAAAP-3 team also plan some follow-up interviews to create some “stories” of “How I Became a Research Manager and Administrator” – HIBARMA. We can now also start longitudinal analyses of the 2016, 2019, and 2022 datasets. Or indeed anyone can – the data are all available, please use them! If you need any help or guidance on things, then please do reach out to the team.
The RAAAP-3 Team leading HIBARMA are:
Simon Kerridge of the University of Kent in the UK,; Madhuri Dutta of the George Institute for Global Health in India,; Melinda Fischer of Clemson University in the US,; and Cristina Oliveira of the NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) in Portugal, Simon works with Cristina, Madhuri, and Melinda on different aspects of the RMA profession. What brought them together on this project was ultimately a mutual curiosity in identifying the diverse background, training, and motivations of RMAs to choose this profession.
You can find further information on the overall suite of RAAAP surveys at RAAAP Taskforce.